Import CSV that Contains Double-Quotes into Solr

My colleague meets problem when trying to import a CSV file which contains Double-Quotes in a column value to Solr.
Looked at CSV standard
If double-quotes are used to enclose fields, then a double-quote appearing inside a field must be escaped by preceding it with another double quote.
For example:

Afte add a another preceding double quote, it works.
Implementation in Solr
When Solr imports CSV file, it honors CSV standard.
In Solr, the default encapsulator is also ". Please refer to: Updating a Solr Index with CSV
From org.apache.solr.internal.csv.CSVParser.encapsulatedTokenLexer(Token, int), we can see How Solr parse value.

private Token encapsulatedTokenLexer(Token tkn, int c) throws IOException {
for (;;) {
  c =;
  if (c == '\\' && strategy.getUnicodeEscapeInterpretation() && in.lookAhead()=='u') {
 tkn.content.append((char) unicodeEscapeLexer(c));
  } else if (c == strategy.getEscape()) {
  } else if (c == strategy.getEncapsulator()) {
 if (in.lookAhead() == strategy.getEncapsulator()) {
   // double or escaped encapsulator -> add single encapsulator to token
   c =;
   tkn.content.append((char) c);
 } else {
   // token finish mark (encapsulator) reached: ignore whitespace till delimiter
   for (;;) {
  c =;
  if (c == strategy.getDelimiter()) {
    tkn.type = TT_TOKEN;
    tkn.isReady = true;
    return tkn;
  } else if (isEndOfFile(c)) {
    tkn.type = TT_EOF;
    tkn.isReady = true;
    return tkn;
  } else if (isEndOfLine(c)) {
    // ok eo token reached
    tkn.type = TT_EORECORD;
    tkn.isReady = true;
    return tkn;
  } else if (!isWhitespace(c)) {
    // error invalid char between token and next delimiter
    throw new IOException(
      "(line " + getLineNumber()
        + ") invalid char between encapsulated token end delimiter"
  } else if (isEndOfFile(c)) {
 // error condition (end of file before end of token)
 throw new IOException(
   "(startline " + startLineNumber + ")"
     + "eof reached before encapsulated token finished"
  } else {
 // consume character
 tkn.content.append((char) c);


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