A Career Retrospective


Design Principles for Ingestors
- Ingesters are independent and can be ran at same time

- Able to rerun ingester (with new change/logic), not impact to clients
- Generate HashId

Visibility - monitoring

Design Mistakes
Use Dynamodb to store data
Solr schema for the unique field
Why happened? 
- Only considered current requirements, didn't plan/think features that we need in near future, like need query and export data

How to Evaluate Job Opportunities - Worth trying?

Know the team
What the team is doing/tech stack
The manager
  - like work experience, how long he worked in this company and team, management style, tech talk
The team members
  - how diversity is the team, team members tech blog/talk
  - We can get this info from recruiter, friends, or linkedin

Know the interview
How many rounds of interview
Whether all (on-site) interviews will happen in one day
Whether decision maker(manager) is there
- In rare cases, some companies wants to have 2 rounds of onsite-interview, then if goes well, do the remaining on-site interview on another day
- Ask recruiter whether they can arrange all interviews on same day
The interviewers
  - Diversity of the interviewers

Reject it kindly if it doesn't match your expectation/skills, as for most companies, you can interview for just one team. If it fails, you have to wait till next year.

Ask Interviewer
How many coding questions will be asked
- Some interviewers/companies like to first ask some simple coding question then move on to a difficult one.
- In this case, you want to finish the first one quickly so you have time to work on the next one.

Learning from Interview

Talking aloud

- Have a good/friendly/happy conversation with the interviewer
- Eye contact, real discussion
- Make interviewer like you: your personality, your skills etc
- Show the process how you tackle the problem

Always think whether there are different/better approaches
- If you find it (even after you finish your current approaches) , still say it

If there are somethings that you didn't solve or understand
- Ask for hints/solutions 
- if possible
- Even that questions maybe not that important: that shows you want to learn in any cirsumstances

Before interview
- Know how many questions they would ask
- Some companies/interviewers likes to ask simple code questions as warm up, if you spend too much time on it, there may be no much time left for the next real question.
- Though, personally lots of warm up coding questions is not that useful - as it only causes confusion.
- Good warm up questions: 
-- different types: simple dfs/recursion question

When write code
What expectations from the interviewers:
- Do they care about details such as sanity check, corner cases
- Or they focus on the high level algorithm and your problem solving skills
- If they ask you simple coding questions, pay more attention to details when you write the code and later when re-check

- If possible - depend on timings
- Always say: let me check the code again after you finish your first draft code
- Always run some examples:
  - Generalize your example: isPalindromOneDiff

Never say:
I don't know
- Try to solve it, infer from your existing knowledge 

Even after you finish your code/design, think aloud what you can improve
What's the time/space complexity of your current approach
How you can improve it:
- your current approach: O(1) time, O(n) time,  can you use lesser space but still O(1) time, or lesser space but more time: like O(logn) time

When find/realize there are something you can improve: in the code, design
- Say it,
- Fix it 
- in the code, if possible before the interviewer takes the picture

Even after all this, ask the interviewer:
- Take this as a chance to learn something
Is there any better approach?
Did I miss anything in the design?

- Think what you can do better, what mistakes you made, what lessons you learned after interview

When write code
What states/variables/invariants you are trying to maintain

Source of bugs
loop variables 
- forget to change them: next=current.next; 


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