Eclipse - Run Code Clean Up Manually + Save Action

The Scenario
Eclipse shows compiler warnings in Problems view.
Some may be trivial such as unused import, but some may be more serious such as null access.

But if we don't fix trivial issues, there may be too many warnings in the project; This may cause us just ignore all these warnings, which can lead us ignore vital/important warnings and potential bugs.

So usually I don't like see any compile warning in current editor or the whole project - We can find this in Problems view.

How Eclipse can Help
First we can configure compiler at Preferences -> Java -> Compiler -> Errors/Warnings.

Save Action
We can configure Eclipse "Save Action" at Java -> Editor -> Save Action to auto format code, organize imports and a lot of things.
- We can also configure save action for Javascript and Scala or other langs.

But sometimes, when we only modify a few lines of the file, we don't want to change other parts otherwise when others review the change, it's difficult for them to figure out what changed.

So usually I only configure "Save Action" to format edited lines and organize imports.

We can also configure General -> Editors -> AutoSave to save dirty editors every X seconds.

Run Code Cleanup Manually
First we assign a shortcut key such as Ctrl+Alt+Command+C in Preferences(Command+,) -> Key
- We can also configure this for Javascript.

Then we configure what Code Clean Up does at Preferences -> Java -> Code Style -> Clean Up

It can do things(more than 20) such as format code, organize imports, add @Override, final,  serial ID, add unimplemented methods, remove trailing space, correct indentation and much more.

If I change most part of the current file, or I think it's necessary, I will click Ctrl+Alt+Command+C to tun Code Clean Up manually.


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