Splunk - Troubleshooting Skills


Search syntax


rex field=_raw "From: <(?<from>.*)> To: <(?<to>.*)>" | dedup from to | table from to
rex field=message "pause of approximately (?<time>.*)" | dedup time | table time
rex field=message "pause of approximately (?<time>.*)" | stats count by time
rex field=message ".* 0 (?<time>\d*)" | timechart max(time)

Show only Certain Fields

table field

(Not) contains a field

  • NOT fa=*

See all values in a field

  • top a_number SourceName


index=the_app lvl=ERROR | top limit=100 ttl, app | sort count desc
eval cluster=app+"-"+partition | top 100 cluster, ttl

Interesting Fields

  • Explore and know what values for a field

Events before or after X seconds

  • Show logs around current event

Visualizations Tab

Write Splunk Friendly Log

  • Separate the main message and key/value pairs
  • The main message should be variable-free
  • Use util class (or) to help implement this


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