Checklist to Solve Algorithm Problems

- bisection
- divide and conquer

X. Quick select to find kth O(n) - compare with heap nlog(k)

- find sub-problems and relation
- dp: [i, j]; or dp[len-1] just start/or end
- Model it as a graph

X. Divide and Conquer
- find subproblems and relations
X. Bisection/Binary search
O(nlogn) - logn*n(merge sort) or n*logn(3 sum) binary search/bisection

X. Merge sort
X. Slide Window
X. Two pointers

Data Structures
X. Trie
- use trie so no need to scan every candidate(O(n))
X. Binary search tree
X. ordered stack/stack
X. Union Find
Data structures
X. augmented tree
X. bst
TreeSet, TreeMap
X. heap, map

X. Bit trick
- O(32n) - loop and check every bit
- bit trie, use xor

X. Interval
- First sort these intervals somehow
- Think as different events - start, end
- sort interval + greedy
- merge interval

X. Game theory

-- Scan from center

Graph - O(V+E)
- topological sort
- Eulerian path/circuit

Save space
- reuse input
- rolling array for dp

Common tricks
check last loop
whether we need do extra things after loop
Use char[] to avoid string concatenation

- Don't forget to clear state

Binary tree
- usually expected runtime for tree is O(n)

- sorted?
- can we change input, use extra space


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