Small Tips on Notepad++

                        Small Tips on Notepad++

Notepad++ is a great free source code editor and Notepad replacement, which supports several programming languages.

Useful Notepadd+ keyboard shortcuts
Ctrl+o      Open
Ctrl-Z      Undo
Ctrl-Y       Redo
Ctrl-D      Duplicate Current Line
Ctrl-L       Delete Current Line
F3      Fine Next
Shift-F3        Find Previous
Ctrl-G      Launch GoToLine Dialog
Ctrl-W      Close Current Document
F11         Toggle Full Screen Mode
Ctrl-Tab        Next Document
Ctrl-Shift-Tab Previous Document
Ctrl-Shift-Up  Move Current Line Up
Ctrl-Shift-Down   Move Current Line Down   
Ctrl-Shift-BackSpace     Delete to start of line
Ctrl-Shift-Delete      Delete to end of line
Ctrl-U      Convert to lower case
Ctrl-Shift-U    Convert to UPPER CASE
Shift-Tab (selection of several lines) 
Remove Tabulation or Space (outdent)

Formatting xml
1. Select the xml code
2. TextFX -> HTML Tidy -> Tidy: Reindent XML
Delete the first word/space/line no’s
TextFX > TextFX Tools > Delete Line Numbers or First word

Remove the trailing spaces
TextFX > TextFX Edit > Trim Trailing Spaces

Remove Blank Lines
TextFX > TextFX Edit > Delete Blank Lines
TextFX > TextFX Edit > Delete Surplus Blank Lines
Install notepad++ plugin
    Just search and download plugin from, and extract it, you will find .dll files, copy them to notepad++/plugins/ directory, and restart np++.

Useful notepad++ plugins
Notepadd++ already includes:
Mime Tools   Base64 encode/decode,
TextFx          provides many practical function such as upper/lower case, escape/unescape, auto-close XML,
nppExport     Export file to RTF/HTML format.

Explorer Plugin – a file browser
Windows Manager - help to switch a file to another.

Multi Clipboard - add up to ten text phrases to the clipboard.
Compare Plugin - show the difference between 2 files.
XML Tools - XML Checker. Can auto-close tags and provides other useful features.

Customize Notepad++
    In this article, the author introduces a way to port ANY Textmate theme over to Notepad++.



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