Be a Lazy Programmer -- Windows Script

Be a Lazy Programmer -- Windows Script

As a lazy programmer, I want to automate our daily affairs as much as possible.

Task One:

Every morning, when I get to the office, I have to first start some programs, and exit these programs and hibernate my laptop when I get off work.

It is boring. So today I write two very simple scripts to automate these operation, to automate start and exit these processes.


@echo off
echo Begin the day's work
start "" "C:\Program Files\Namoroka 3.6 Alpha 1\firefox.exe"
start ""  C:\notes\notes.exe
tasklist /FI "IMAGENAME eq sametime.exe" | find /I /N "sametime.exe" >NUL
if "%ERRORLEVEL%" neq "0" (echo "sametime is not running";
start ""  "C:\Program Files\IBM\Sametime Connect\sametime.exe") else (echo "sametime is already running")


@echo off

echo end of the day's work

taskkill /F /fi "ImageName eq notes.exe"

taskkill /F /fi "ImageName eq sametime75.exe"

rem command to shut down other programmes

taskkill /F /fi "ImageName eq firefox.exe"


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