Eclipse RCP Miscs Series 2

Eclipse RCP Miscs Series 2

Perspective listener
-- Define the behavior what to do when perspective is activated or changed.
IWorkbenchWindow.addPerspectiveListener(IPerspectiveListener listener) and removePerspectiveListener(IPerspectiveListener listener).

Allow user to bring job dialog back
After checked the Checkbox "always run in background", there would be no way to re-show it, so RCP application should define one preference to allow user to reshow the dialog.
    protected void createFieldEditors()
       runInBackground = new BooleanFieldEditor(
           "Always run in background",
    public boolean performOk()
               .setValue(IPreferenceConstants.RUN_IN_BACKGROUND, runInBackground.getBooleanValue());
       catch (IOException e)
       return super.performOk();
ToolTip for TreeItem

Since SWT/JFace 3.3, your TreeViewer's lable provider can extend ColumnLabelProvider, and implement the cool getTooltip() methods, and enable it by ColumnViewerToolTipSupport.enableFor (viewer);

1. Outside of your rcp project, type
org.sonatype.tycho:maven-tycho-plugin:generate-poms -DgroupId=se.mattiasholmqvist -Dtycho.targetPlatform=~/dev/eclipse-3.6.1-delta/
This will create a pom.xml for the current directory (parent project) and a pom.xml for each eclipse project.
2. Building the product
clean package -Dtycho.targetPlatform=~/dev/eclipse-3.6.1-delta/

Export product to other platforms
1. Download and install Eclipse DelatPack
In the page,, search DeltaPack.
2. Configure org.sonatype.tycho/maven-osgi-packaging-plugin in pom.xml: set the environment values for the target platform.
You can get these values form the delta pack:
For instance, from
org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.motif.aix.ppc_1.1.0.v20100503, we can see to build a AIX product:
ws should be motif, os should be aix, arch should be ppc.

A concrete example:


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