Eclipse Tips and Tricks Series 1

Eclipse Tips and Tricks Series 1

Find: ^\s*\n
Replace with: (empty)

Eclipse search and replace
Multiple line search/replace
The dot (.) is configured to _not_ match line delimiters.
If you want to find two words on two lines try: word1[\s\S]*word2

Replace log "Message" with log "Message" debug
In the Find Field: log(.*)
Int the Replace with Field: log$1 debug
$i where i is the i'th capture group.

Right click on the project -> select properties
-> Go to 'Builders' section -> Select the 'New' button -> choose 'Ant Build'
-> Use the 'Browse Workspace' buttons to choose the build file and the base directory
-> Go to the 'Targets' section -> Configure the targets for tasks: After a 'Clean', Manual Build, Auto Build.

Export specific java sources
During bug fix, we usually need export code of this change, we can do this by:
1) Add some specific mark on these files - such as the defect number listed in change history section in this file header.
2) Ctrl+f to search this keyword/mark in this project
3) In search view, select all java source files found (with Ctrl), don't select the package.
4) Export java source files as a jar: File -> Export

Excluding .svn directories when export jar
You can exclude svn-directories for all projects easily by adding the .svn/ to the Filtered resources field in the Java/Compiler/Building preferences.
E.g. Filtered Resources: *.launch, .svn/
or you can use Subclipse for Eclipse.

Window > Preferences > Java > Code Style > Clean Up
Remove trailing space

Assign Key bindings to actions that are not assigned, such as "Generate getter and setter’", etc.
Navigate to Window -> Preferences -> General -> Keys

Import and export preferences:
Use the File -> Export / Import option to do this. Preferences like code formatting, code templates, default compiler settings etc will be readily available.

Remember more workspaces
By default eclipse remembers the last 5 workspaces used. You can increase / decrease this number by navigating to Window -> Preferences -> General -> Startup and Shutdown -> Workspaces.

What does $NON-NLS-1$ mean?
They silence a warning that Eclipse emits when it encounters string literals (and has been configured to complain).

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