English Punctuation

English Punctuation

? question mark
! exclamation mark/exclamation point
/ slash, divide, oblique
\ backslash, sometimes escape
// slash-slash, comment
& ampersand, and, reference, ref

* asterisk, multiply, star, pointer
~ tilde 波浪符
' apostrophe 撇号
& ampersand 和号
" single quotation marks
"" double quotation marks
... ellipsis/dots
{ open brace, open curly
} close brace, close curly
( open parenthesis, open paren
) close parenthesis, close paren
() parentheses/brakets
[ open bracket
] close bracket
[] square brackets
. period, dot
| vertical bar, vertical virgule
# pound 井号
. full stop
, comma
: colon
; semicolon
- hyphen
-- dash
~ swung dash 代字号
§ section; division 分节号
+  plus sign
-  minus sign,
± plus or minus sign
× multiple sign, product sign
÷ division sign
= equality sign
 Not equality sign
 equivalent to
 equal to or approximately equal to
 approximately equal to
< less than sign
> more than sign
 not less than sign
 not more than sign
 less than or equal to
 more than or equal to
%  per cent
 per mill
-∞ infinity
+∞ infinity
 varies as
 (square) root
 since; because
 equals, as (proportion)
π pi 圆周率
 perpendicular to 垂直于
 union of
 intersection of
 the integral of …的积分
 (sigma) summation of 总和
° degree
 Celsius system



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