Useful Notepad++ Tips

Three years ago, after used Notepad++ after some time, I write one article  about NotePad++. Three years later, it's time to give it some update.
Common Settings
Open "Settings" -> "Preferences...".
In "Tab bar" section of General tab, select "Double click to close document" and "Multi-line".
In "Backup/Auto-Completion" tab, enable auto-completion option, and choose "Word completion".
Enable spell-checker
Install Aspell, afterwards enable spell-checker :)
Use "Ctrl+Tab"
Use "Ctrl+Tab" to switch between to you last viewed file, and quickly jump to the file you want.

Useful Plugins:

How to install plugins:
Go to "Plugins" -> "Plugin Manager" -> "Show Plugin Manager", this will bring up the "Plugin Manager" dialog where you can find many available plugins.
File switcher
Usually I opened many files in Notepad++, 20 - 30+, some files I need edit often, or some files I just forget to close. So sometimes, it would be hard to find files I want to edit in Notepad++.
File switcher is just the plugin that we need- It presents a sortable list, and we can type text to filter and find the file we want.

Compare Plugin - show the difference between 2 files.
XML Tools - XML Checker. Can auto-close tags and provides other useful features.
To Format XML:
Go to "Plugins" -> "XML Tools" -> "Pretty print (XML only -with line breaks) - Ctrl+Alt+Shift+B"
Explorer Plugin – a file browser
Speech Plugin
There are many other useful plugins that may meet your needs, please explore them.



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