Part 3: Use Pack200 to Shrink Solr Application Size

Part 1: Shrink Solr Application Size
Part 2: Use Proguard to Shrink Solr Application Size
Part 3: Use Pack200 to Shrink Solr Application Size
In order to continue to reduce the installation file, I decide to use pack200 to shrink jar size.

Please refer to

This can remove all jars from 6.02mb to 4.44mb: 27% less.

The following is the ANT scrip to pack all jars:
<property name="jarpack-task.jar" value="C:\pathto\Pack200Task.jar" />
<taskdef name="pack200" classname="" classpath="${jarpack-task.jar}" />
<taskdef name="unpack200" classname="" classpath="${jarpack-task.jar}" />

<target name="pack.all.jars">
 <ac:foreach target="pack.jar" param="">
   <fileset dir="${final.jars.output}" includes="*.jar" />

<target name="pack.jar" description="Applying the pack utility on jars">
 <basename property="file.basename" file="${}" />
 <echo message="pack ${} to ${final.jars.output}/${file.basename}.pack" />
 <pack200 src="${}" destfile="${final.jars.output}/${file.basename}.pack" stripdebug="true" deflatehint="keep" unknownattribute="pass" keepfileorder="true" />
 <delete file="${}" />

We can use ANT to unpack these jars:
<target name="unpack.all.jars" >
  <ac:foreach target="unpack.jar" param="">
    <fileset dir="${runtime.home}" includes="*.pack" />
    <fileset dir="${runtime.home.lib}" includes="*.pack" />
    <fileset dir="${runtime.home}" includes="*.pack" />
    <fileset dir="${runtime.solr.war.lib}" includes="*.pack" />
    <fileset dir="${runtime.solr.core.lib}" includes="*.pack" />

 <target name="unpack.jar">
  <propertyregex property="" input="${}" regexp="(.*).pack" select="\1" />
  <echo message="unpack file ${} to ${}" />
  <unpack200 src="${}" dest="${}" />
  <delete file="${}" />
Or we can use windows(linux) script to do this:

echo "Unpack startjetty.jar.pack"
CALL :unpackjar startjetty.jar.pack 

echo "Unpack jars in folder ./lib"
For %%X in (lib\*.pack) do CALL :unpackjar %%X

echo "Unpack jars in folder ./solr.war\WEB-INF\lib"
For %%X in (solr.war\WEB-INF\lib\*.pack) do CALL :unpackjar %%X

echo "Unpack jars in folder ./solr-home\collection1\lib"
For %%X in (solr-home\collection1\lib\*.pack) do CALL :unpackjar %%X


set packedfile=%1
set unpackedfile=%packedfile:~0,-5%
echo unpack file: %unpackedfile% %packedfile%
unpack200 %packedfile% %unpackedfile%
DEL /Q %packedfile%


After all these steps, we use 7zip to zip the application, size is 1,779 kb.
You can view all source code from github:


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