Solr Boost to Improve Search Relevancy

One important step when use Solr is to tune search relevancy.
Boosting Fields: qf
Not all the fields have the same importance, We can boost some fields, for example keyword or title fields.
qf=keyword^10 title^5
Boosting Phrases: field~slop^boost
pf can be used to boost close proximity. We can also specify an optional slop factor directly in "pf" with the syntax field~slop.
pf=title^20 content^10
This will translate a user query like foo bar into:
title:”foo bar”^20 OR content:”foo bar”^10
Boost Queries
A boost query is a query that will be executed on background after a user query, and that will boost the documents that matched it.
bq=sponsored:true or bq=instock:true
Boost Functions
The boost Parameter in edismax
Boost exact match
Copy the content into two fields, one with LowerCaseFilterFactory to do case-insensitive search, one without LowerCaseFilterFactory to do exact match, and boost on that field.
title titleExact^10
title^10 titleExact^100
Minimum 'Should' Match: mm

Boost records that contain all terms: boost when mm=100%
Use a pf to boost on a phrase in those same two fields (just common sense)
Set up a boost query (bq) to boost the score if all the search terms are present
'q'='_query_:"{!dismax qf=$f1 mm=$mm1 pf=$f1 bq=$bq1 v=$q1}"',
'f1'='author^3 title^1',
'q1'='Dueber Constructivism',
'bq1'='_query_:"{!dismax qf=$f1 mm=\'100%\' v=$q1 }"^5',
'fl' ='score,*'
Boosting Documents in Solr by Recency, Popularity and User Preferences
Comparing boost methods in Solr



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