Learning Lucene: Collectors

Lucene Built-in Collectors
Check Lucene Javadoc for all Lucene built-in collectors.
Lucene's core collectors are derived from Collector. Likely your application can use one of these classes, or subclass TopDocsCollector, instead of implementing Collector directly:
It's a good start to read Lucene's built-in collectors' code to learn how to build our own collectors:  TotalHitCountCollector: Just count the number of hits. public void collect(int doc) { totalHits++; } PositiveScoresOnlyCollector
if (scorer.score() > 0) { c.collect(doc); } // only include the doc if its score >0

TimeLimitingCollector: use an external counter, and compare timeout in collect, throw TimeExceededException if the allowed time has passed: 
long time = clock.get();    if (timeout < time) {throw new TimeExceededException( timeout-t0, time-t0, docBase + doc );} 
Also TestTimeLimitingCollector.MyHitCollector is an example of custom collector.

FilterCollector: A collector that filters incoming doc ids that are not in the filter. Used by Grouping.
Using TimeLimitingCollector to Stop Slow Query

public void testTimeLimitingCollector() throws IOException {
  // SimulateSlowCollector is a copy of
  // org.apache.lucene.search.TestTimeLimitingCollector.MyHitCollector
  SimulateSlowCollector slowCollector = new SimulateSlowCollector();
  slowCollector.setSlowDown(1000 * 10);
  Counter clock = Counter.newCounter(true);

  int tick = 10;
  TimeLimitingCollector collector = new TimeLimitingCollector(
      slowCollector, clock, tick);

  try (Directory directory = FSDirectory.open(new File(FILE_PATH));
      DirectoryReader indexReader = DirectoryReader.open(directory);) {
    IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(indexReader);
    try {
      new Thread() {
        public void run() {
          // will kill the indexSearcher.search(...) after 10
          // ticks (10 seconds)
          while (clock.get() <= tick) {
            try {
            } catch (InterruptedException e) {

      searcher.search(new MatchAllDocsQuery(), collector);
    } catch (TimeExceededException e) {
      // it throws exception here.
      System.out.println("Too much time taken.");
Write a Custom Collector
public class FacetCountCollector extends Collector {
 private Map countMap = new HashMap<>();
 // scorer and docBase are actually not used.
 private Scorer scorer;
 private int docBase;
 private IndexSearcher searcher = null;
 public FacetCountCollector(IndexSearcher searcher) {
  this.searcher = searcher;
 public void collect(int doc) {
  try {
   Document document = searcher.doc(doc);
   if (document != null) {
    IndexableField[] categoriesDoc = document

    if (categoriesDoc != null && categoriesDoc.length > 0) {
     for (int i = 0; i < categoriesDoc.length; i++) {
      if (countMap
        .containsKey(categoriesDoc[i].stringValue())) {
       countMap.put(categoriesDoc[i].stringValue(), Long
           .stringValue())) + 1);
      } else {
       countMap.put(categoriesDoc[i].stringValue(), 1L);
  } catch (IOException e) {

 public Map getCountMap() {
  return Collections.unmodifiableMap(countMap);
 public void setScorer(Scorer scorer) throws IOException {
  this.scorer = scorer;
 public void setNextReader(AtomicReaderContext context) throws IOException {
  this.docBase = context.docBase;// Record the readers absolute doc base
 public boolean acceptsDocsOutOfOrder() {
  // Return true if this collector does not require the matching docIDs to
  // be delivered in int sort order (smallest to largest) to collect.
  return true;
Using Custom Collector
public void testFacetCountCollector() throws IOException {
 try (Directory directory = FSDirectory.open(new File(FILE_PATH));
   DirectoryReader indexReader = DirectoryReader.open(directory);) {
  IndexSearcher searcher = new IndexSearcher(indexReader);
  try {
   FacetCountCollector collector = new FacetCountCollector(
   searcher.search(new MatchAllDocsQuery(), collector);
   // printResult(topDocsCollector, searcher);
  } catch (TimeExceededException e) {
   // it throws exception here.
   System.out.println("Too much time taken.");
Lucene Built-in Collectors


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