In some cases, we want to change our frequently-visited website a bit: such as add some shortcut key: click >(right arrow) to go to next page, click <(left arrow) to go previous page in current web site.
We can create chrome extension, but it's overkill in this case.
Chrome partially supports Greasemonkey, but doesn't support @require, @resource, unsafeWindow, GM_registerMenuCommand, GM_setValue, or GM_getValue.
Luckily, Tampermonkey fixes this issue: it is fully compatible to Greasemonkey, including GM_registerMenuCommand, GM_xmlhttpRequest with cross domain support and access to the unsafeWindow object.
We can install tampermonkey from webstore. Then use its dashboard to create(add) new user scripts locally.
We can create one simple Greasemonkey user script to do it, or install exsiting user scripts from
EDX helper
When watch open source courses in EDX, I would like to add the following shortcut keys:
>(right arrow): go to next page, <(left arrow) to go to previous page, t to play/pause the video, m to toggle full screen.
Also I want to auto play the video.
Safaribooksonline Helper
Similarly, when watch videos on Safaribooksonline, I want to add >(right arrow): go to next page, <(left arrow) to go to previous page, f to open in full mode where we can still use left, right arrow keys.
Resources down for good? Here are alternatives
In some cases, we want to change our frequently-visited website a bit: such as add some shortcut key: click >(right arrow) to go to next page, click <(left arrow) to go previous page in current web site.
We can create chrome extension, but it's overkill in this case.
Chrome partially supports Greasemonkey, but doesn't support @require, @resource, unsafeWindow, GM_registerMenuCommand, GM_setValue, or GM_getValue.
Luckily, Tampermonkey fixes this issue: it is fully compatible to Greasemonkey, including GM_registerMenuCommand, GM_xmlhttpRequest with cross domain support and access to the unsafeWindow object.
We can install tampermonkey from webstore. Then use its dashboard to create(add) new user scripts locally.
We can create one simple Greasemonkey user script to do it, or install exsiting user scripts from
EDX helper
When watch open source courses in EDX, I would like to add the following shortcut keys:
>(right arrow): go to next page, <(left arrow) to go to previous page, t to play/pause the video, m to toggle full screen.
Also I want to auto play the video.
// ==UserScript== // @name edx helper // @namespace // @require // @version 1.0 // @description some keybindings for edx: next, previous, play/pause // @match* // @copyright 2014+, Jeffery Yuan original author: Andrea Bisognin // ==/UserScript== this.$ = this.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true); $(document).ready(function () { // auto play console.log("edx helper"); setTimeout(function () { console.log("edx helper auto player"); unsafeWindow.$(" a[class='video_control play']").click(); }, 2000); jQuery(document).keydown(function (e) { console.log("edx helper; key: " + e.keyCode); if (e.keyCode == 39) { //-> unsafeWindow.$("div.sequence-nav > button.sequence-nav-button.button-next").click(); } if (e.keyCode == 37) { // <- unsafeWindow.$("div.sequence-nav > button.sequence-nav-button.button-previous").click(); } if (e.keyCode == 84 || e.keyCode == 116) { //t unsafeWindow.$(" > div:nth-child(2) > ul > li:nth-child(1) > a").click(); } if (e.keyCode == 67 || e.keyCode == 99) { //c unsafeWindow.$(" > a").click(); } if (e.keyCode == 77 || e.keyCode == 109) { //m unsafeWindow.$("a.add-fullscreen").click(); } }); });
Safaribooksonline Helper
Similarly, when watch videos on Safaribooksonline, I want to add >(right arrow): go to next page, <(left arrow) to go to previous page, f to open in full mode where we can still use left, right arrow keys.
// ==UserScript== // @name safaribooksonline helper // @namespace // @require // @version 1.0 // @description some keybindings for safaribooksonline: next, previous // @match* // @copyright 2015+, Jeffery Yuan, // ==/UserScript== function d(b){var c,a;if(!this.length)return this;c=this[0];c.ownerDocument?a=c.ownerDocument:(a=c,c=a.documentElement);if(null==b){if(!a.cancelFullScreen&&!a.webkitCancelFullScreen&&!a.mozCancelFullScreen)return null;b=!!a.fullScreen||!!a.webkitIsFullScreen||!!a.mozFullScreen;return!b?b:a.fullScreenElement||a.webkitCurrentFullScreenElement||a.mozFullScreenElement||b}b?(b=c.requestFullScreen||c.webkitRequestFullScreen||c.mozRequestFullScreen)&&,Element.ALLOW_KEYBOARD_INPUT):(b=a.cancelFullScreen|| a.webkitCancelFullScreen||a.mozCancelFullScreen)&&;return this}jQuery.fn.fullScreen=d;jQuery.fn.toggleFullScreen=function(){return,!};var e,f,g;e=document;e.webkitCancelFullScreen?(f="webkitfullscreenchange",g="webkitfullscreenerror"):e.mozCancelFullScreen?(f="mozfullscreenchange",g="mozfullscreenerror"):(f="fullscreenchange",g="fullscreenerror");jQuery(document).bind(f,function(){jQuery(document).trigger(new jQuery.Event("fullscreenchange"))}); jQuery(document).bind(g,function(){jQuery(document).trigger(new jQuery.Event("fullscreenerror"))}); this.$ = this.jQuery = jQuery.noConflict(true); // $(document).ready(function () { // auto play console.log("safaribooksonline helper"); jQuery(document).keydown(function (e) { console.log("safaribooksonline helper; key: " + e.keyCode); if (e.keyCode == 39) { //-> unsafeWindow.$("#bcv_next").click(); //$('#nana').fullScreen(true) } if (e.keyCode == 37) { // <- console.log("i am called 26"); unsafeWindow.$("#bcv_previous").click(); } else if (e.keyCode == 70 || e.keyCode == 102) { //f $('div.brightcove_video').fullScreen(true) } }); });
Resources down for good? Here are alternatives