Java Lambda-Enabled Concurrency - Don't Use Mutable Variables

What's wrong in following code?
The following code tries to submit all query task to threadpool, but it fails to do that - It only reads part of data.
private List<Future<List<T>>> findAllAsyncImpl(final SolrParams params, final int readSize,
        final int totalCount) {
    final ModifiableSolrParams query = new ModifiableSolrParams(params);
    query.set(CommonParams.ROWS, readSize);
    final List<Future<List<T>>> futures = new ArrayList<>(totalCount);
    int start = 0;
    while (start < totalCount) {
        query.set(CommonParams.START, start);
        futures.add(executor.submit(() -> querySolr(new ModifiableSolrParams(query))));
        start += readSize;
    return futures;

I checked the log - what I expected is that it runs query like start=0, 1000, 2000, until totalCount-1000 (readSize is 1000)-  but it's not, it runs query with some start value (here start=45000) multiple times, some start value 0 time.
AbstractSolrRepository querySolr: q=omitted...&rows=1000&start=45000
AbstractSolrRepository querySolr: q=omitted...&rows=1000&start=45000
AbstractSolrRepository querySolr: q=omitted...&rows=1000&start=45000
AbstractSolrRepository querySolr: q=omitted...&rows=1000&start=45000

What the code is doing
Now let's change the lambda expression to the anonymous class() - Eclipse quick fix(Command +1) then select "convert to anonymous class creation".
The second part code creates explicit callable.

while (start < totalCount) {
    query.set(CommonParams.START, start);
    futures.add(executor.submit(new Callable<List<T>>() {
        public List<T> call() throws Exception {
            return querySolr(new ModifiableSolrParams(query));
    start += readSize;

while (start < totalCount) {
    query.set(CommonParams.START, start);
    futures.add(executor.submit(new SolrQueryTask(query)));
    start += readSize;

private class SolrQueryTask implements Callable<List<T>> {
    private final ModifiableSolrParams query;
    public SolrQueryTask(final ModifiableSolrParams query) {
        this.query = query;
    public List<T> call() throws Exception {
        return querySolr(new ModifiableSolrParams(query));
Now the root cause is kind of clear: the task is running in a different thread(for example at that time start=0), it refers variable whose state is changed later,  when the task is actually running, the query variable is already changed.

The solution
private List<Future<List<T>>> findAllAsync
    (final SolrParams params, final int readSize, final int totalCount) {
    final List<Future<List<T>>> futures = new ArrayList<>(totalCount);
    int start = 0;
    while (start < totalCount) {
        final ModifiableSolrParams targetParams =
        new ModifiableSolrParams(params).set(CommonParams.ROWS, readSize).set(CommonParams.START, start);

        futures.add(executor.submit(() -> querySolr(targetParams)));
        start += readSize;
    return futures;


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