About me - Jeffery Yuan (2017)

This would be a short list that about I am good at and what I should improve.
- I will keep updating it, and hope when I retrospect after 1 year, I will realize that I have improved  and learned a lot of things.

Retrospect and Learning Logs
- I like to summarize what I have learned, and write them down

Sharing Knowledge

Problem Solving and troubleshooting
- I like to solve difficult problems as I can always learn something from it.
- I also summarize how(what steps) I take to solve the problems, what I learned that can make me solve problems quicker later.
- Search and find resource needed to solve the problem
- See more at my blog: Troubleshooting

Proactively find problems and fix them
- such as find problems in existing design and code, and think about how to improve them

Be honest
- to myself and colleague about what I know and what I don't
Be moderate
- I know there are still a lot of things that I should learn and improve.
- I like to learn from others

Proactively learning
- Have a safaribooksonline account
- Like to learn from book, and people
- When I use Cassandra, Kafka in our project, I took time to learn not only how to use it but more importantly its high level design.
- Read more at my log System Design
Programmer: Lifelong Learning

Weakness - things need improving
System design
Knowledge about distributed system
Public Speaking


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