How Solr Create Collection - Learn Solr Code

Test Code to create collections
MiniSolrCloudCluster cluster = new MiniSolrCloudCluster(4 /*numServers*/, testBaseDir, solrXml, JettyConfig.builder().setContext("/solr").build());
cluster.createCollection(collectionName, 2/*numShards*/, 2/*replicationFactor*/, "cie-default", null);

CollectionsHandler.handleRequestBody(SolrQueryRequest, SolrQueryResponse)

CollectionAction action = CollectionAction.get(a); // CollectionAction .CREATE(true)
CollectionOperation operation = CollectionOperation.get(action); //CollectionOperation .CREATE_OP(CREATE)

Map result =, rsp, this);
Return a mpa like this:
{name=collectionName, fromApi=true, replicationFactor=2, collection.configName=configName, numShards=2, stateFormat=2}

ZkNodeProps props = new ZkNodeProps(result);
if (operation.sendToOCPQueue) handleResponse(operation.action.toLower(), props, rsp, operation.timeOut);

CollectionsHandler. handleResponse
QueueEvent event = coreContainer.getZkController() .getOverseerCollectionQueue() .offer(Utils.toJSON(m), timeout);

This uses DistributedQueue.offer(byte[] data, long timeout) to add a task to /overseer/collection-queue-work/qnr-numbers.

It uses LatchWatcher to wait until this task is processed.

Overseer and OverseerCollectionProcessor

OverseerCollectionProcessor.processMessage(ZkNodeProps, String operation /*create*/)
OverseerCollectionProcessor.processMessage(ZkNodeProps, String)
OverseerCollectionProcessor.createCollection(ClusterState, ZkNodeProps, NamedList)

  ClusterStateMutator.getShardNames(numSlices, shardNames);
   positionVsNodes = identifyNodes(clusterState, nodeList, message, shardNames, repFactor); // round-robin if rule not set

  createConfNode(configName, collectionName, isLegacyCloud);
// This message will be processed by ClusterStateUpdater
// wait for a while until we do see the collection in the clusterState

  for (Map.Entry e : positionVsNodes.entrySet()) {
  if (isLegacyCloud) {
    shardHandler.submit(sreq, sreq.shards[0], sreq.params);
  } else {
    coresToCreate.put(coreName, sreq);

This will send http call and be handled by CoreAdminHandler.handleRequestBody.

  // if there were any errors while processing
  // the state queue, items would have been left in the
  // work queue so let's process those first
  byte[] data = workQueue.peek();
  boolean hadWorkItems = data != null;
  while (data != null)  {
    final ZkNodeProps message = ZkNodeProps.load(data);
    clusterState = processQueueItem(message, clusterState, zkStateWriter, false, null);
    workQueue.poll(); // poll-ing removes the element we got by peek-ing
    data = workQueue.peek();


  zkWriteCommand = processMessage(clusterState, message, operation);

  clusterState = zkStateWriter.enqueueUpdate(clusterState, zkWriteCommand, callback);

  case CREATE:
    return new ClusterStateMutator(getZkStateReader()).createCollection(clusterState, message);

overseer.ClusterStateMutator.createCollection(ClusterState, ZkNodeProps)


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