Using Stack - How to Succeed in Algorithms

Using Stack - How to Succeed in Algorithms

How to Succeed in Algorithms Interview Series

Applications of Stack

  • parentheses
  • calculator: +-*/
  • priority

Implementation Detail of Using Stack

  • Use ArrayDeque or LinkedList
    • we can push/pop at both ends
  • what to store in stack, its meaning
  • when to pop out

Examples of Using Stack

Stack + Greedy

  • 运用Stack加贪心法的题目有很多,这类问题的做法是遍历输入数组,当前元素与栈顶元素比较,如果当前元素更优则pop栈顶元素,直到栈顶元素更优为止,而后插入当前元素。
  • LeetCode 316 - Remove Duplicate Letters
public String removeDuplicateLetters(String sr) {

    int[] res = new int[26]; //will contain number of occurences of character (i+'a')
    boolean[] visited = new boolean[26]; //will contain if character (i+'a') is present in current result Stack
    char[] ch = sr.toCharArray();
    for(char c: ch){  //count number of occurences of character
    Stack<Character> st = new Stack<>(); // answer stack
    int index;
    for(char s:ch){
        index= s-'a';
        res[index]--;   //decrement number of characters remaining in the string to be analysed
        if(visited[index]) //if character is already present in stack, dont bother
        //if current character is smaller than last character in stack which occurs later in the string again
        //it can be removed and  added later e.g stack = bc remaining string abc then a can pop b and then c
        while(!st.isEmpty() && s<st.peek() && res[st.peek()-'a']!=0){
        st.push(s); //add current character and mark it as visited

    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    //pop character from stack and build answer string from back
    return sb.toString();
  • LeetCode 654 - Maximum Binary Tree
    • decreasing stack
    • create the TreeNode while access the data, push them into monotone stack, connect TreeNodes when push or pop
    public TreeNode constructMaximumBinaryTree(int[] nums) {
      Deque<TreeNode> stack = new LinkedList<>();
      for(int i = 0; i < nums.length; i++) {
          TreeNode curr = new TreeNode(nums[i]);
          while(!stack.isEmpty() && stack.peek().val < nums[i]) {
              curr.left = stack.pop();
          if(!stack.isEmpty()) {
              stack.peek().right = curr;
      return stack.isEmpty() ? null : stack.removeLast();


public void reverseStack(Stack<Integer> stack){
  return ;
 int val= stack.pop();
 return ;
private void pushToBottom(Stack<Integer> stack,int item){
  return ;
 int val= stack.pop();
  • LeetCode 889 - Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Postorder Traversal
    public TreeNode constructFromPrePost(int[] pre, int[] post) {
      Deque<TreeNode> s = new ArrayDeque<>();
      s.offer(new TreeNode(pre[0]));
      for (int i = 1, j = 0; i < pre.length; ++i) {
          TreeNode node = new TreeNode(pre[i]);
          while (s.getLast().val == post[j]) {
              s.pollLast(); j++;
          if (s.getLast().left == null) s.getLast().left = node;
          else s.getLast().right = node;
      return s.getFirst();
  • LeetCode 255 - Verify Preorder Sequence in Binary Search Tree
    public boolean verifyPreorder(int[] preorder) {
      Stack<Integer> stk = new Stack<Integer>();
      int min = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
      for(int num : preorder){
          if(num < min) return false;
          while(!stk.isEmpty() && num > stk.peek()){
              min = stk.pop();
      return true;
    public boolean IsValidPostOrderBst(int[] nums)
      int i = nums.length;
      int max = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
      for (int j = nums.length - 1; j >= 0; j--)
          if (nums[j] > max) return false;
          while (i <= nums.length - 1 && nums[j] > nums[i])
              max = nums[i++];
          nums[--i] = nums[j];
      return true;
  • LeetCode 341 - Flatten Nested List Iterator
    public class NestedIterator implements Iterator<Integer> {
      Stack<Iterator<NestedInteger>> stack;
      Integer nextInteger;
      public NestedIterator(List<NestedInteger> nestedList) {
          stack = new Stack<Iterator<NestedInteger>>();
          nextInteger = null;
      public Integer next() {
          Integer next = null;
          if(hasNext()) {
              next = nextInteger;
          return next;
      public boolean hasNext() {
          if(nextInteger==null) {
              while(!stack.isEmpty()) {
              Iterator<NestedInteger> cIterator = stack.peek();
              if(cIterator.hasNext()) {
                  NestedInteger c =;
                  if(c.isInteger()) {
                      nextInteger = c.getInteger();
                      return true;
                  } else {
              else stack.pop();
            return false;
          } else return true;
  • HARD LeetCode 394 - Decode String
    public String decodeString(String s) {
      String res = "";
      Stack<Integer> countStack = new Stack<>();
      Stack<String> resStack = new Stack<>();
      int idx = 0;
      while (idx < s.length()) {
          if (Character.isDigit(s.charAt(idx))) {
              int count = 0;
              while (Character.isDigit(s.charAt(idx))) {
                  count = 10 * count + (s.charAt(idx) - '0');
          else if (s.charAt(idx) == '[') {
              res = "";
          else if (s.charAt(idx) == ']') {
              StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder (resStack.pop());
              int repeatTimes = countStack.pop();
              for (int i = 0; i < repeatTimes; i++) {
              res = temp.toString();
          else {
              res += s.charAt(idx++);
      return res;
  • LeetCode 653 - Two Sum IV - Input is a BST
    • two stacks, two pointers + iterators
    public boolean findTarget(TreeNode root, int k) {
      Stack<TreeNode> stackL = new Stack<TreeNode>();  // iterator 1 that gets next smallest value
      Stack<TreeNode> stackR = new Stack<TreeNode>();  // iterator 2 that gets next largest value
      for(TreeNode cur = root; cur != null; cur = cur.left)  
      for(TreeNode cur = root; cur != null; cur = cur.right)  
      while(stackL.size() != 0 && stackR.size() != 0 && stackL.peek() != stackR.peek()){
          int tmpSum = stackL.peek().val + stackR.peek().val;
          if(tmpSum == k)  return true;
          else if(tmpSum < k)
              for(TreeNode cur = stackL.pop().right; cur != null; cur = cur.left)
              for(TreeNode cur = stackR.pop().left; cur != null; cur = cur.right)
      return false;
  • LeetCode 103 - Binary Tree Zigzag Level Order Traversal
    • Queue + Dequeue
    • dfs for fun: travel(TreeNode curr, List<List> sol, int level)
    • print directly: using 2 stacks
      • or use 2 Dequeue
      void printSpiral(Node node)
      if (node == null)
          return; // NULL check
      // Create two stacks to store alternate levels
      // For levels to be printed from right to left
      Stack<Node> s1 = new Stack<Node>();  
      // For levels to be printed from left to right
      Stack<Node> s2 = new Stack<Node>();  
      // Push first level to first stack 's1'
      // Keep printing while any of the stacks has some nodes
      while (!s1.empty() || !s2.empty()) {
          // Print nodes of current level from s1 and push nodes of
          // next level to s2
          while (!s1.empty()) {
              Node temp = s1.peek();
              System.out.print( + " ");
              // Note that is right is pushed before left
              if (temp.right != null)
              if (temp.left != null)
          // Print nodes of current level from s2 and push nodes of
          // next level to s1
          while (!s2.empty()) {
              Node temp = s2.peek();
              System.out.print( + " ");
              // Note that is left is pushed before right
              if (temp.left != null)
              if (temp.right != null)
  • LeetCode 430 - Flatten a multilevel linked list
    public Node flatten(Node h) {
      if (h == null) return h;
      Stack<Node> st = new Stack<>();
      Node prev = null;
      while (!st.isEmpty()){
          Node cur = st.pop();
          if (prev != null) {
     = cur;
              cur.prev = prev;
              prev.child = null;
          if ( != null) st.push(;
          if (cur.child != null) st.push(cur.child);
          prev = cur;
      return h;

Simple Examples of Using Stack


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