A Good Name: clear and precise
- concise, but not too long
- No surprise
- Avoid uncommon acronyms/abbreviations and in-team jargon.
- Select visually distinct names.
- Match the reader’s expectations
- Don’t repeat the context
- don’t add variable type, omit surrounding package name, class or method name.
- Naming should cover the purpose
- variable names should not hard-code their value. We should be able to change the value without renaming it.
Package Names
- Components should be short, generally eight or fewer characters.
- Meaningful abbreviations are encouraged.
- Acronyms are acceptable
Names for Classes
- Abbreviations are to be avoided, except for acronyms and certain common abbreviations
- Class names are typically nouns or noun phrases.
- Test classes are named starting with the name of the class they are testing, and ending with Test. For example, HashTest or HashIntegrationTest.
- Avoid class names that are defined by the JDK or other libraries and are widely usded.
- Client may have to use full qualified name for your class.
- Name for Util class: Object -> Objects
- Objects, Collections, Collectors, Executors, Futures
- When it’s already used: MoreExecutors, MoreObjects
- Nested classes
- Remove info already in outer class.
Names for Interfaces
- Interface names may also be nouns or noun phrases, but may sometimes be adjectives or adjective phrases instead.
- Runnable, Iterable, Accessible, Readable, Writable, Closable
- Don’t name interfaces with the “Interface” suffix
- Don’t name implementations of interfaces with an “Impl” suffix
Name for Annotation Types
- Can be Nouns, verbs, prepositions and adjectives
- BindingAnnotation, Inject, ImplementedBy, or Singleton
Name for Methods
- doesn’t contain parameter information, any terms general to the class
- a verb, verb phrase for action
- is or has prefix for methods return boolean.
- a noun, a noun phrase, or get prefix for methods that return a non-boolean function or attribute:
- methods returning an independent object of a different type: toType(), toArray()
- methods that return a view: asType(), asList()
- methods that return a primitive: typeValue(), intValue()
- static factories include from, of, valueOf, instance, getInstance, newInstance, getType, and newType
- methods starting with get or set are trivial methods that execute quickly
- in other cases: use compute, make, read, find, load prefix.
- change getAuthToken() to readAuthToken() or loadAuthToken()
Name for Test Methods
- Underscores may appear in test method names to separate logical components of the name, with each component written in lowerCamelCase.
- Use 3rd person: throws not throw.
- methodUnderTest_condition/state_outcome
Constant names
- all uppercase letters
- Not a constant if any of its observable state can change.
- not constant: logger, mutableCollection/Element,
- enumeration names should be all uppercase letters.
- Avoid magic number: define it as a constant
- Avoid the constant that takes format parameters: as it’s unclear how many parameters it takes, and what’s the types, define a method instead.
Type variable names
- A single capital letter, optionally followed by a single numeral.
- T for Type, E for the element type in a collection, X for exception, K and V for key and value types of a map.
- R for the return type of a function. A sequence of arbitrary types can be T, U, V or T1, T2, T3.
- A name in the form used for classes, followed by the capital letter T: RequestT, ResponseT.
Variables and Method Parameters
- a noun, doesn’t contain type info, does not include any terms general to the method
- abbreviations are permitted
- use positive boolean variables or words. Double negation is confusing
- isEnabled, not isDisabled
- use plural if it’s a collection
- dates, not dataList
- Method parameters should be named much more carefully.
boolean variables
- use positive boolean variables or words. Double negation is confusing
- isEnabled, not isDisabled
- omit the is prefix for the field of boolean or boolean variable: enabled
- include the is prefix for method that returns boolean:
boolean isEnabled()
Single-letter local variables
- i, j, k, etc. for counters such as loops.
- e for exceptions in catch blocks
lambda variable name
- reveal the type info at the lambda parameters
- usually just choose the Suggestion from the IDE
- flags are a single global namespace, so prefer long descriptive names.
Camel case
- Acronyms should be camelcased, not fully uppercased.
- even if multiple acronyms occur back-to-back, you can still tell where one word starts and the next word ends
- XmlHttpRequest, supportsIpv6OnIos,newCustomerId, innerStopwatch, HttpUrl(not HTTPURL)
Long Names Are Long
- Omit words that are obvious given a variable’s or parameter’s type
- Omit words that don’t disambiguate the name
- Omit words that are known from the surrounding context
- Remove info already in outer class from outer class name.
- Remove info already in class name from name of instance, static method, field.
- Omit words that don’t mean much of anything ##### IdentifierNamingPostForWorldWideWebBlog
- Omit words that are obvious given a variable’s type declaration. holidayDateList -> holidays
- Omit irrelevant details.
// Overly specific names are hard to read:
Monster finalBattleMostDangerousBossMonster; Payments nonTypicalMonthlyPayments;
// Better, if there's no other monsters or payments that need disambiguation:
Monster boss; Payments payments;
Omit fluff words that could apply to any identifier. > fluff words: data, state, amount, number, value, manager, engine, object, entity, instance, helper, util, broker, metadata, process, handle, context, result
all words are necessary in the local context
Add readable name
- Extract code as a helper method and give it a meaningful, readable name.
- Extract code like condition and assign it to a viable with meaningful, readable name.
Misc Tips
- Don’t reuse same variable name in the same class in different contexts
- Don’t use same variable for different purposes.
Smell for bad names
- get, set, dir, data, value, CommonXXX, Constants
- numElements -> rows -> rowCount
- Constants.java > RpcErrorMessages.java
- curXXX: curSum, totalSum
- hasTragicException -> isTragic
- CanRetrieve, IsRetrievable
- xxxNotUpdateForTooLong -> staleXXX
- ThrowingFunction
- toXXX
- expectedXXX, foundXXX