Mockito Best Practices

Instantiating mocks

  • We can use MockitoJUnitRunner or MockitoRule.
  • Prefer using MockitoRule as we can use another runner or when test class extends another base class which uses another runner.

Create Mock and Stub

  • Mockito creates dummies which returns “smart zeros” when called, i.e. empty list, zero, false or, as a last resort, null.
  • Create a stub for the relevant methods to return a specific value
    • Mockito.when(someObject.someMethod()).thenReturn(someValue)
    • we can return different values based on the number of calls to the method, or by examining the input parameters (with parameter matchers).
Mock chained calls
  • used to wrap a real object. Every call, unless specified otherwise, is delegated to the object;
  • we can mock or verify some methods.
  • Prefer use a real object instead of spy
Argument Matcher
  • org.mockito.AdditionalMatchers: gt, lt, and, or, not…


  • Verify the expect method(s) are called with the expected value(s) on the given mock(s)
    • Mockito.verify(someObject).someMethod()
    • only verify if calling that exact method matters.
  • The default is times(1); exactly once.
  • never(), times(n) exactly n times, atLeast(n), atMost(n)
  • Verifying the order of calls: InOrder()
    • InOrder() ensures the listed calls occur in the order specified. Other calls can occur in any order
  • Only use verifyZeroInteractions(), verifyNoMoreInteractions() when needed.
    • verifyZeroInteractions(mock) ensures the test never talked to that mock.
    • verifyNoMoreInteractions(mock) ensures that there have been no calls to the mock (of any method) that have not been verified
Verify with ArgumentCaptor

Don’t use @InjectMocks or initMocks(this)

  • creating a constructor to make the dependencies visible.

###s# Prefer type-safe matchers, expectation setters, and verifiers. - The type-safe approaches can catch type mismatch at compiler time (if we refactor code and change the type later.)

Mock Best Practices

  • Follow Arrange Act Assert (AAA) when Write Test
  • Tests functionality, not implementation
  • Prefer testing state over testing interactions
  • Don’t Replace Asserts with Verify
  • Prefer real objects over fake/mock objects
  • Prefer fake objects over mock objects
  • Don’t Overuse Mocks


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