How to Promote Posts Based On Labels And Recency in Blogger

Awesome Tips Series about Blogger

The Goal

  • Popular Posts in Blogger shows posts that are most viewed in last 7/30 days, last year or all time. But maybe some posts are popular because of its simplicity, or shared by you or others in stack-overflow or social media.
  • As a tech blogger, We want to promote in-depth posts, and also consider their recency.

When to Use It

  • Add Label Must Read to posts that we want to promote.
  • Add a HTML/JavaScript gadget with the following HTML/JavaScript code.
  • We can have multiple gadgets to promote posts from different label.
  • We can also add Related Post to current page to promote posts with same label.
    • We don’t have to manually add or update the related posts.
    • demo link
    • I use markdown to write post. ```markdown


  • We may continue to write multiple articles about same topic.
  • We can use the script to automatically pull new posts from this series and show them in old posts.

The Implementation to Randomly Pick N Items From Weighted List

  • Use feeds API to get top 50 latest updated posts from label: Promo and give each item a weight based on updated time.
  • We can use HTML minifier to minify the code.
  • As these functions may be used by different widgets or places, we can add the code into a “HTML/JavaScript gadget” and put it right below header at Layout.
<script type="text/javascript">
var maxRelatedPostsCount = 10;
var maxPopularPostsCount = 20;
var publisedPopulars = new Set();
var publisedRelateds = new Set();
var maxPopularTrendingCount = 20;
var publisedTrednings = new Set();

function weightedRandomPopularPosts(json) {
  document.write('<li>', "<a class='home-link' href='/p/archives.html'>Archives</a>", '</li>');
  weightedRandomImpl(json, publisedPopulars, maxPopularPostsCount);
function weightedRandomTredningPosts(json) {
  document.write('<li>', "<a class='home-link' href='/p/archives.html'>Archives</a>", '</li>');
  weightedRandomImpl(json, publisedTrednings, maxPopularTrendingCount);

function weightedRandomRelatedPosts(json) {
  weightedRandomImpl(json, publisedRelateds, maxRelatedPostsCount);

function weightedRandomRelatedPostsAddToParent(json) {
  var parentNode = document.getElementById("related_posts_content");
  weightedRandomImpl(json, publisedRelateds, maxRelatedPostsCount, parentNode);
// TODO random or order? get all or not
function weightedRandomImpl(json, publisedPosts, maxCount, parentNode) {
  var weightedPosts = getPosts(json);
  if(weightedPosts ==null) return;
  while (publisedPosts.size < maxCount) {
    var picked = pickOne(weightedPosts);
    if (picked == null) break;
    if (publisedPosts.has( break;

    if (parentNode) {
      var li = document.createElement("li");
      li.innerHTML =;
    } else {

function getPosts(json) {
  var weightedPosts = new Set();
  if(json.feed.entry == null) return;
  var totalCount = json.feed.entry.length;
  for (var count = 0; count < totalCount; count++) {
    var entry = json.feed.entry[count];
    var postTitle = entry.title.$t;
    var posturl;
    for (var b = 0; b <; b++) {
      if ([b].rel == 'alternate') {
        posturl =[b].href;
    if (window.location.href == posturl) continue;
    if (postTitle.toLowerCase().startsWith("draft")) continue;
      weight: totalCount - count
  return weightedPosts;

function pickOne(weightedPosts) {
  var totalWeight = 0;
  for (let post of weightedPosts) {
    totalWeight += post.weight;
  var randomWeight = Math.random() * totalWeight;
  var currWeight = 0;
  for (let post of weightedPosts) {
    currWeight += post.weight;
    if (currWeight > randomWeight) {
      return post;

function series(json){
function seriesImpl(json, publisedSeries) {
  var weightedPosts = new Set();
  var totalCount = json.feed.entry.length;
  for (var count = 0; count < totalCount; count++) {
    var entry = json.feed.entry[count];
    var postTitle = entry.title.$t;
    var posturl;
    for (var b = 0; b <; b++) {
      if ([b].rel == 'alternate') {
        posturl =[b].href;
    if (postTitle.toLowerCase().startsWith("draft")) continue;
    var finalUrl =;
    if (publisedSeries && publisedSeries.has(finalUrl)) continue;
    if(publisedSeries) publisedSeries.add(finalUrl);
    document.write('<li>', finalUrl, '</li>');
<script src=" Read?orderby=updated&alt=json-in-script&callback=weightedRandomPopularPosts&max-results=60">



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