Solr: Run Embedded Jetty As Windows Service

In previous posts, I introduced how to build a package to include embedded jetty, solr.war, and solr.home in one package, reduce size of the package, and to start/stop it programmatically.
Part 1: Shrink Solr Application Size
Part 2: Use Proguard to Shrink Solr Application Size
Part 3: Use Pack200 to Shrink Solr Application Size
Start Stop Embedded Jetty Programmatically

In this article, I would like to introduce how to use Apache commons-daemon to install it as a Windows Service.

First download latest commons-daemon-* from here.
Download latest commons-daemon-*-src.tar.gz from here.

In src\samples folder in commons-daemon-*-src.tar.gz, you can learn how to create a service, and the scripts to install and remove windows services:, ProcrunServiceInstall.cmd, ProcrunServiceRemove.cmd.

The java code to start/stop embedded jetty server is here.
Next we create 2 scripts to install it as a windows service, and remove the windows services. 
@echo off
set MYPATH=%~dp0
set SERVICE_JAVA=EmbededJetty
set PR_DESCRIPTION=Embedded Jetty Server
set PR_DISPLAYNAME=Embedded Jetty Server
set "PR_LOGPATH=%MYPATH%/../logs"
set PATH="%MYPATH%/../lib/servlet-api-3.0.jar;%MYPATH%/../lib/jetty-all.jar;%MYPATH%/../lib/startjetty.jar"

rem Allow prunsrv to be overridden
if "%PRUNSRV%" == "" set PRUNSRV=%PATH_PRUNSRV%prunsrv

echo Installing %SERVICE_JAVA%
%PRUNSRV% //IS//%SERVICE_JAVA% --Install="%MYPATH%prunsrv"

if not errorlevel 1 goto installed
echo Failed installing '%SERVICE_JAVA%' service
goto end
echo The service '%SERVICE_JAVA%' has been installed.

set MY_JVMOPTIONS=-server;-Xms512M;-Xmx2048M
echo Setting the parameters for %SERVICE_JAVA%
%PRUNSRV% //US//%SERVICE_JAVA% --StdOutput auto --StdError auto ^
--Classpath=%PATH% --JvmOptions=%MY_JVMOPTIONS% --Startup=manual ^
--StartMode=java --StartClass=com.codeexample.solr.EmbeddedSolrJettyServer --StartParams=start;-dynamicPort;true;%1;%2;%3;%4;%5;%6 ^
--StopMode=java  --StopClass=com.codeexample.solr.EmbeddedSolrJettyServer  --StopParams=shutdown

if not errorlevel 1 goto updated
echo Failed updating '%SERVICE_JAVA%' service
goto end
echo The service '%SERVICE_JAVA%' has been updated.

echo Installation of %SERVICE_JAVA% is complete
@echo on
@echo off
set MYPATH=%~dp0
echo %MYPATH%
set SERVICE_JAVA=EmbededJetty
set "PR_LOGPATH=%MYPATH%/../logs"
if "%PRUNSRV%" == "" set PRUNSRV=%PATH_PRUNSRV%prunsrv

echo Removing %SERVICE_JAVA%

if not errorlevel 1 goto removed
echo Failed uninstalling '%SERVICE_JAVA%' service
goto end
echo The service '%SERVICE_JAVA%' has been removed
@echo on

We can copy prunmgr.exe to the bin folder, and rename it as ${service-name}w.exe, so user can run it to edit it, or start, stop it like below:

2 Scripts to start and stop the windows servers.
@echo off
set MYPATH=%~dp0
set SERVICE_JAVA=EmbededJetty
if "%PRUNSRV%" == "" set PRUNSRV=%PATH_PRUNSRV%prunsrv

if [%1] == [] goto startService

echo Changing the parameters for %SERVICE_JAVA%
%PRUNSRV% //US//%SERVICE_JAVA% --StartParams=start;-dynamicPort;true;%1;%2;%3;%4;%5;%6 

if not errorlevel 1 goto updated
echo Failed updating '%SERVICE_JAVA%' service
goto end
echo The service '%SERVICE_JAVA%' has been updated.

if not errorlevel 1 goto started
echo Failed starting '%SERVICE_JAVA%' service
goto end

echo %SERVICE_JAVA% is started.

@echo on
@echo off
set MYPATH=%~dp0
set SERVICE_JAVA=EmbededJetty
if "%PRUNSRV%" == "" set PRUNSRV=%PATH_PRUNSRV%prunsrv
if not errorlevel 1 goto stopped
echo Failed stopping '%SERVICE_JAVA%' service
goto end

echo %SERVICE_JAVA% is stopped.

@echo on


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