Mac Keyboard Shortcuts for Developers

Why Use Keyboard Shortcuts?

We can use these frequently used keyboard shortcuts to expedite common operations.

Series: Awesome Tips about Mac

Configuration of Mac

Turn on Full Keyboard Access

We can turn it on: go to Preferences -> Keyboard > Shortcuts > select All Controls.

Move to the next controlTab
Move to the previous controlShift-Tab
Choose the selected menu itemSpace bar
Click the default button or perform the default actionReturn or Enter
Use F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys

By default, Fn keys are mapped to change brightens, volumes etc. But we only use these function occasionally, so let’s change it: - Go to Preferences -> Keyboard -> Select “Use F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys”. - Change this behavior for specific applications like Chrome - o to Preferences -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> click on the Function Keys entry at the bottom to add any apps.

Shortcut to Switch Input Source
  • Go to Preferences -> Keyboard > Shortcuts > Input Sources
  • Select the previous input source: ctrl+space

KeyBoard Shortcuts at Mac

  • Right Click: Control + Click
  • Customize at Preferences > Keyboard > Shortcuts > Keyboard
/ or Command+Shift+GGo to Folder
Fn+F11Show Desktop
Command+Shift+3Capture the entire screen
Command+Shift+4Capture a selected area
Control + a/eGot to head/end - work in Terminal, Chrome, Atom
Command+`cycle between open windows in selected application
Command+Option+Dshow or hide dock
Command + Option + EscapeForce Quit Applications
Ctrl+F2Access menu, enable it at Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> Keyboard
Cmd+Shift+?Open Help menu and navigate
^+F3Move focus to dock
^+F8Move focus to status menu, search all actions in menu
Command+qQuit the app
Command+shift+wClose the window
Command + ,Open Preferences
Command+~Switch windows for same application(Command-Shift-~, reverse order)
Command + XCut the highlighted text
Shift+Alt+Command+Vpaste the highlighted text and matches the destination style
Cmd+Shift++(-)Zoom in(out) text
Command + B/I/Umake text bold/italic/underlined
Shift+ArrowSelect text
(Shift+)Option+Left(Right)(Select)Jump by word
Fn + up(down)Page up(down)
Fn + Left(right)Home(end)
Cmd+1..8Move tab
Cmd+9Move to last tab
Cmd++(-)Increase(Decrease) Font Size
Cmd+Shift+FEnter full screen mode
Cmd+Space barOpen Spotlight
Move to first character of lineCtrl+A or Cmd+Left
Move to end of lineCtrl+E
v(visual), c(caret mode), /(find mode)
vi mode movement
  • h(move left), l(right), j(down), k(up), w(move to right one word), b(move to left one word)

Safari Keyboard Shortcuts

Switch to Next TabControl+Tab
Switch to Previous TabControl+Shift+Tab
Duplicating a TabCommand + L and then Return

Finder Keyboard Shortcuts

Command + upgo up a level
Command + downopen current selected folder in same window
Command + [(])go back or forward
Spacebarpreview(open) the item
Command + Iget info

Mac Mail Keyboard Shortcuts

Command+shift+DSend message
Command+shift+DForward message
Command+shift+RReply all
Command+shift+AAttach files to message
Command+1Go to inbox
Command+1 or +2 etcGo to other items in favorites

Chrome Keyboard Shortcuts

Cmd+shift+J then close itClose download bar
Option+Cmd+left(right)go one tab left(right)
(Shift+)spacebarPage down(up)
Command-Shift-VPaste without formatting
Cmd+left(right)go back(forward) in history
⌘ + Shift + wCloses the current window
⌘ + Shift + jOpen the Downloads page
⌘ + Option + iOpen Developer Tools (not Cmd+shift+i: Email this page)
Cmd+Option+COpen dev tools in inspect mode
  • Use Cmd+shift+: to fix spelling and grammer.
Change/Assign extension’s shortcuts
  • chrome://extensions/shortcuts
Install Tampermonkey and then install the “Auto Close YouTube Ads” script

Chrome Vimium Keyboard Shortcuts

(number+)Wmove tabs(s) to new window
(number+)<<(>>)Move tab to the left(right)
Tsearch through your open tabs
BBookmark search
(number+)rreload tab(s)
(number+)f(F)open/click multiple links in the current(or new) tab or execute multiple action in same tab
(number+)xclose tabs(s)
^Go to previously-visited tab
ytduplicate current tab
gEEdit the current URL and open in a new tab
Xrestore closed tab (i.e. unwind the ‘x’ command)
gifocus the first (or n-th) text input box on the page
h/j/k/lscroll left/down/up/right
(number+)d(u)half page down(up)
yycopy the current url to the clipboard
yfcopy a link url to the clipboard
p/Psearch the text in clipboard using search engine
[[ or ]]Go to next previous(next) page
gu(or U)Go up the URL hierarchy or Go to root of current URL hierarchy
Customize keys
map i focusInput
map .. nextTab
map ,, previousTab
map h goBack
map l goForward
map o Vomnibar.activateInNewTab
map O Vomnibar.activate
map b Vomnibar.activateBookmarksInNewTab
map B Vomnibar.activateBookmarks
map m toggleMuteTab
map M toggleMuteTab all
map X toggleMuteTab other
map cl closeTabsOnLeft
map cr closeTabsOnRight
map co closeOtherTabs
map fi LinkHints.activateModeToOpenIncognito
unmap J
unmap K
unmap t

iTerm Keyboard Shortcuts

Cmd+\Show Annotations
Cmd+ClickClickable Links
Cmd+Shift+HPaste History
Cmd + kClear buffer
Cmd+Shift+OOpen Quickly(Search tabs)
Cmd+Shift+;Show Command History
Cmd+Shift+HShow Paste History
Cmd+Option+/Recent Directories popup

Atom Keyboard Shortcuts

Command+PSwitch to File
Command+Shift+PCommand Palette
Command+\Toggle Tree View
Command+EnterReplace all
Ctrl+Shift+CCopy full path
Cmd+Option++(-)Increase(decrease) active panel size
Cmd+Ctrl+GSelect all matching characters
Shift+Ctrl+MMarkdown Preview
Cmd+RFile symbol navigation
Ctrl + gGo to Line
Ctrl+mGo to Matching Bracket
Cmd+Shift+tBring up the list of corrections (with spell-check extension)
Ctrl+Shift+left(or right)move tab to left(or right)
Cmd+k+uConvert to Upper Case
Cmd+k+lConvert to Lower Case
Ctrl+Shift+kDelete Line
Ctrl+KCut to End of Line

Eclipse Keyboard Shortcuts

Command+3Quick Access( a lot of things, like switch views)
Cmd+1Quick fix
Cmd+F8Switch between perspectives
Shift+F10Open context menu
Cmd+Option+X +T(J)Run Junit test(Java Application)
Fn+Up(down)Page up(down)
Cmd+Option+ctrl+left(right)Previous(next) tab, need manually add them in Pref > Keys
Cmd+Option+left(right)Go to previous or next
Ctrl+MMaximize(restore) the editor area
Ctrl+Shift+MMinimize Active View or Editor(Added)
Cmd+Shift+LList all shortcuts
Cmd+IShow info in project explorer
Cmd+.Next Error
Cmd+EGet a list of opened editors
Ctrl+Option+Left(Right) - CustomizedPrevious (next) editor
Ctrl+U (From More Uni)tcreate test method
Ctrl+J (From More Unit)jump to test method

Slack Keyboard Shortcuts

⇧⌘AAll Unread
⌘[(])Previous(next) channel in your history
⌘/Open quick list of keyboard shortcuts
⌘KOpen quick switcher
Ctrl+⌘Ftoggle full screen
⌘.Toggle right pane open or closed
⇧⌘IOpen Channel info pane
⇧⌘MOpen Recent Mentions
⇧⌘SOpen Starred Items
Fn+Up(Down)Scroll up(down)
⇧Fn+Up(Down)Scroll to previous(next) day
UPEdit/delete your last message
⇧UP(Down)Highlight text to beginning(end) of current line
⌘UUpload a file
Option+Shift+Up(Down)Previous(Next) unread channel or DM

Quip Keyboard Shortcuts

Command+Option+1/2/3Large/Medium/Small Heading
Command+Shift+LBulleted List
Command+Shift+7Numbered List
Command+Option+KCode block
Command+Option+CToggle Conversation
Command+/Keyboard shortcuts

Youtube Keyboard Shortcuts

/Go to search box.
fActivate full screen
Shift+>(<)decrease/Increase the speed of video playback
0..9Seek to specific point in the video (7 advances to 70% of duration)
Shift+N(P)Move to the next(previous) video
iLaunch the Miniplayer.
j/lSeek backward/(forward) 10 seconds in player.
Left/Right arrowSeek backward/forward 5 seconds.
mmute on/off

VLC Player Keyboard Shortcuts

  • Preferences > HotKeys
Cmd + FToggle Full Screen
SpaceToggle Play/Pause
Command + Shift + left/rightjump back/forward about a minute
Command + Ctrl + left/rightjump back/forward about ten seconds
Cmd + =(-)Faster(Slower)
Cmd + Up(down)Volume up(down)
More Tips
  • Use Search to quick find info instead of using the trackpad to scroll
  • ? to check keyboard shortcuts: works at YouTube, Gmail, Github etc.
  • Special Keyboard Symbols
    • ⌘(command) ⌥(option) ⌃(control
) ⇧(shift
) ⇪(caps lock
) ← → ↑ ↓ ⇥(tab
( )⇤(backtab


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