Best Riddles and Jokes about Numbers and Math

Riddles about Numbers

If you multiply me by any other number, the answer will always remain the same. Who am I?

  • The answer is zero.

What did zero say to eight?

  • zero would say: Nice belt!

How many eggs can you put in an empty basket?

  • The answer is Only one, after that the basket is not empty.

What has 6 wheels and flies?

  • The answer is: A garbage truck.

He is an odd number, but if you take away an alphabet from him, he becomes Even. Who is he?

  • The answer is Seven.

How do you make seven even?

  • The answer is removing the ‘s’.


  • Why was 6 afraid of 7?
  • Why is the number six so scared?
  • Why was 6 so mad at 7?

The answer is: Because 7 8 9.

Why did seven eat nine?

  • Because you’re supposed to eat three squared meals a day.

Why did the two 4’s skip dinner?

  • Because They already 8!

What has eight legs and eight eyes?

  • The answer is Eight pirates!

Why can’t a hand be 12 inches long?

  • Because then it would be a foot!

Which month has 28 days?

  • All of them have 28 days. Every month has at least 28 days.

Why are diapers like 100 dollar bills?

  • They are like because they all need to be changed.

Riddles about Math

What goes up and never comes down?

  • The answer is your age.

Why was the math book so sad?

  • Because it had a lot of problems.

What did one math book say to the other?

  • The math book would say: Don’t bother me I’ve got my own problems!

Are monsters good at math?

  • Not unless you Count Dracula.

What is a math teacher’s favorite dessert?

  • The answer is Pi!

It’s a math problem

What do you get if you add two apples and three apples?

  • The answer is a math problem!

What’s two plus two?

  • The answer is a math problem!

If you had 8 apples in one hand and 5 apples in the other, what would you have?

  • You have really big hands!

Three types of people Jokes

  • There are three types of people in the world, those who can count and those who can’t.
  • There are three kind of people, those who can count to three and those who can’t.
  • There are three kinds of people in the world: those who know math and those who don’t.

Math Riddles

What does math stand for?

  • MATH stands for Mental Abuse To Humans.

What’s the easiest way to double your money?

  • Put it in front of a mirror.

If it took 6 people 9 hours to build a barn, how long would it take 12 people to build the same barn?

  • None, the barn is already built

Puzzles about Time

What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs?

  • A clock.

What time is it when the clock strikes 13?

  • It’s time to get a new clock.

How do you make time fly?

  • Throw a clock out the window!

It’s raining at midnight, but the forecast for tomorrow and the next day is clear. Will there be sunny weather in 48 hours?

  • The answer is no, it won’t be sunny because it will be dark out. In 48 hours, it will be midnight again.

Elsa was 11 the day before yesterday, and next year he’ll turn 14. How is this possible?

  • Because today is January 1st, and Elsa birthday is December 31st. Elsa was 11 the day before yesterday (December 30th), then turned 12 the next day. This year on December 31st she will turn 13, so next year she will turn 14.

Puzzles about Fathers and Sons

A grandfather, two fathers, and two sons went to the movie theater together and everyone bought one movie ticket each. How many tickets did they buy in total?

  • The answer is Three: as the grandfather is also a father and the father is also a son.

A woman has seven daughters, and each daughter has a brother. How many children does the woman have all together?

  • She has eight children! Each daughter has the same brother. There are 7 daughters and 1 son.

Two fathers and 2 sons spent the day fishing, but only caught 3 fish. This was enough for each of them to have one fish. How is this possible?

  • Because there were only 3 people fishing. There was one father, his son, and his son’s son. This means there were 2 fathers and 2 sons, since one of them is a father and a son.

Math Puzzles

If there are 4 apples in the basket and you take away 3, how many do you have?

  • You would have three apples, The other one apple is left in the basket.

I add five to nine, and get two. The answer is correct, but how?

  • When it is 9am, add 5 hours to it and you will get 2pm.

What weighs more - a pound of iron or a pound of feathers?

  • Both would weigh the same.

At home, the wife said: You know what seems odd to me? What the husband would say?

  • The husband would say: Numbers that can’t be divided by two.

What 3 numbers give the same result when multiplied and added together?

  • The answer is 1, 2, and 3 (1 + 2 + 3 = 6 and 1 x 2 x 3 = 6).

Using only addition, how can you add eight 8’s to get the number 1,000?

  • 888 +88 +8 +8 +8 =1,000.

My sister lives at the reverse of my house number. The difference between our house numbers ends in two. What are the lowest possible numbers for our house?

  • 19 and 91.

When asked how old she was, Elsa replied, “In two years I will be twice as old as I was five years ago.”" How old is she?

  • She’s 12.

How many sides does a circle have?

  • Two. Inside and Outside.

How many times can you subtract the number 5 from 25?

  • Only once because after you subtract it is not going to be 25 anymore.


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