How to Avoid NullPointerException in Java Part 2

Don’t be unnecessarily null tolerant

  • Don’t use @Nonnull; non-nullability is implied
  • Assume nonnull unless @Nullable explicitly
  • Check Method Arguments for null early and throw exception (IllegalArgumentException) with meaningful error message
  • Use Preconditions.checkNotNull() or Verify.verifyNotNull() to convert a @Nullable value into a non-null.

Use Non-Null Default Value

  • Use empty collections over null
  • Use empty string over null
  • Use Optional instead of a Nullable Foo
  • Use empty array instead over null Good Example:
public byte[] NoOpDb.key() {
 return new byte[0];

Bad Example:

public byte[] NoOpDb.key() {
 return null;
@Nullable at Method Parameters
  • Add @Nullable to method params help prevent bugs in future change.
// params is non-null, and the elements in params are also non-null.
public void method(String... params) {}

// params may be null, but the elements in params are non-null.
public void method(String @Nullable ... params) {}

// params is non-null, and the elements in params are nullable.
public void method(@Nullable String... params) {}

Use a local variable

If the map is mutable, the value maybe null when refer it later.

if (instanceMap.containsKey(key)) {
  String value = instanceMap.get(key)

We can use lock to fix the issue, or in some cases, we can just save the value in a local varible.

String value = instanceMap.get(key);
if (value != null) {


If a method has @UnderInitialization, it can be called only from constructor.

@RequiresNonNull("context")  // This method requires context is non-null.
@EnsuresNonNull("resources")  // resources will be non-null.
private void init(@UnderInitialization MyClass this) {
    resources = context.getResources();

private void init1(@UnderInitialization(ParentClass.class) MyClass this) {
    // You can access to parent-class's fields here.

private void init2(@UnderInitialization(MyClass.class) MyClass this) {
    // You can access to all fields here.


@UnknownInitialization will act like all fields in the class are @Nullable requiring null checks for even non-null fields.

Use @Nollable


  • Use @MonotonicNonNull if once the field becomes non-null, it never becomes null again/

When to use @Nullable

  • Add @Nullable to method return value tells the caller the need to check the nullness.
  • Add @Nullable to method params help prevent bugs in future change.
  • method that never returns null should still be marked @Nullable if its subtypes may return null.

arrays can both be null, and contain null objects:

  • Object[] array is same as @NonNull Object @NonNull [] array: Non-null array of non-null elements.
  • @Nullable Object[] is a non-null array of nullable objects, and Object @Nullable [] is a nullable array of non-null objects.
import org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.compatqual.NullableType;
String @Nullable [] array = null; // Nullable array of non-null elements
array = new String[] {null};  // ERROR!

@Nullable String[] array = new String[] {null};  // Non-null array of nullable elements.
array = null;  // ERROR!

@Nullable String @Nullable [] array = new String[] {null};  // Nullable array of nullable elements.
array = null;  // OK.

Array<@NullableType String> array; // Non-null array with nullable elements.
String @NullableType[] array // Nullable array of non-null objects.
  • Use list.toArray(new TheType[list.size()]) instead of list.toArray(new TheType[list.size()]), as nullness checker can’t infer that the size of the array you created is the same size as the collection passed in.


@Nullable List implies the list can be null, and List<@Nullable String> implies the list can contain nulls. ListenableFuture<@Nullable Foo> implies the the result in the future can be null.

Useful Checker Annotations for Nullness Analysis

  • @Nullable
  • @PolyNull: A method returns null only if a parameter is null
  • @MonotonicNonNull: it would be non-null once it is initialized to non-null.
  • EnsuresNonNullIf: ensures that some fields/methods will be/return non-null if the return value satisfy a condition.
@EnsuresNonNullIf(expression = "list", result = true)
public boolean hasNext() {
    return list != null && index < list.length;
@EnsuresNonNullIf(expression="#1", result=true)
  • @SideEffectFree: the method doesn’t have external-visible side effects.
  • @Deterministic: the method returns the identical result for the the same params.
  • @Pure: a combination of @SideEffectFree and @Deterministic.


  • Only @SuppressWarnings(“nullness”) in exceptional cases.
  • Use specific suppression at the narrowest scope possible
    • @SuppressWarnings("nullness:argument.type.incompatible") instead of the broad scope @SuppressWarnings("nullness")


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