Better Bash history

By default, history is stored in the file ~/.bash_history, we can change ~/.bashrc

Sync Bash History Between Terminals

  • shopt -s histappend: when close a session, the history will be appended to the .bash_history file rather than overwriting.

Increase Bash History Size

  • HISTSIZE: the number of lines or commands that are stored in memory in a history list (the default value is 500).
  • HISTFILESIZE: the maximum number of lines contained in the history file (the default value is 500).

Store bash history immediately

    • Store but don’t reload, so Up/Down is per shell.
  • PROMPT_COMMAND="PROMPT_COMMAND; history -a; history -c; history -r;"
    • Store and reload the history immediately
  • PROMPT_COMMAND: if set, it’s executed before the printing of each primary prompt ($PS1)
  • -a: Append the new history lines to the history file
  • -c: Clear the history list.
  • -r: Read the current history file and append its contents to the history list.
  • -n: Append the history lines not already read from the history file to the current history list

Use one command per line

  • shopt -s cmdhist: Store multi-line commands in one history entry

Add date and time to bash history

  • HISTTIMEFORMAT="%h %d %H:%M:%S "

HISTCONTROL: how commands are saved

  • HISTCONTROL=ignorespace:erasedups | | | |:———– |:—————————————————– | | ignorespace | don’t save lines which begin with a character | | ignoredups | don’t save lines matching the previous history entry | | ignoreboth | use both ‘ignorespace’ and ‘ignoredups’ | | erasedups | eliminate duplicates across the whole history |

HISTIGNORE: Ignore specific commands

  • HISTIGNORE="history"

Others setting about bash history

  • HISTFILE: change the history file name, the default value is ~/.bash_history.

History searching

  • with the below setting, we save bash history across all terminals.
  • Up/Down to scroll back and forward
  • ^R: search the typed substring in all history entries
  • history | grep xx: quickly search and find commands we ran before.

The Complete Setting for Bash History


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