How to Simplify and Improve Code

Remove Redundant

  • Redundant comments that just repeats code.
  • not needed else
Remove implicit
  • remove “public final” in interface.
  • private in private class
  • public in non-public methods


  • inline the message instead of extract it as constant, if the message is used only once (even we may reuse it in future).
  • inline a standalone class as an anonymous class or inner class
  • merge classes when they are always used together and no reason for each class to exist as a standalone class.
  • inline if a variable/method is used only once

Reduce the nesting/wrapping caused by if or lambda

  • by extracting methods

Simplify lambda

  • Use method reference
  • Reduce complex lambda by extracting methods or changing it to method

Use static import to simplify code

  • Use static import when the method is clear without additional context of the outer type
  • Good static import examples:
import static;
import static;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
  • bad static import examples:
import static;

Import nested class

  • bad import nested class


  • merge multiple consecutive to one
  • merge 2/multiple methods that are always used together
    • generateXTableData and seedXTable into one
Merge multiple if
  • merge multiple if
  • merge multiple if including implicit
if (request.hasPageSize()) {
      request.getPageSize() > 0,
          "Invalid page size: %d, it has to be positive value.", request.getPageSize()));
// to
    !request.hasPageSize() || request.getPageSize() > 0,
    "Invalid page size: %d, it has to be unset or be positive value.",

Avoid String.format when the method already supports formatting

  • like Preconditions.checkArgument

Method that takes vargs

  • install(A.class);install(B.class);... to install(A.class, B.class, C.class)


Misc Tips about Code Simplification

  • Use other util methods or test rule.
  • early return (with the negative condition)


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