Java Varargs Best Practice


  • accept zero or more arguments
  • an anonymous array is created every time

Don’t use Varargs unless really needed

  • in most cases, we can just use a collection/list then wrap the hard-coded values with Arrays.asList

Require one

  • static int min(int firstArg, int... remainingArgs)

Good Cases to Use Varargs

  • Reflection uses lot of variable argument method.
    • public Method java.lang.Class.getMethod(String name, Class<?>... parameterTypes)

Performance-critical Methods

  • an anonymous array is created every time
  • ImmutableList.of(), of(e1), of(e1, e2), of(e1,e2,,,, e11), 0f(e1,,,e1, E... others)

Careful when Overloading with Varargs

The correct way is to:

Careful when Overloading with Varargs and Autoboxing

Java Generic and Array doesn’t mix well

Item 32: Combine generics and varargs judiciously

  • A generic varargs parameter is useful in some cases.
    • Arrays.asList(T... a), Collections.addAll(Collection<? super T> c, T... elements), EnumSet.of(E first, E... rest).
  • but it also may be dangerous: throw ClassCastException at runtime etc

Varargs gotchas: passing an array, a collection into varargs

  • Passing an iterable to the varargs method containsExactly(Object…) is often not the correct thing to do.


  • a promise by the author of a method that it is typesafe, thus the compiler doesn’t warn.


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